Monday, August 8, 2011

Ode to the Dumb Things People Say

Working in retail, you come across A LOT of INTERESTING people. Many of these interesting people say things, do things and ask questions that do not make any sense. A few days ago I asked people to send me the dumbest things people had ever said to them or asked them. I won't lie some people's responses should have been included in the dumbest things people have ever said to ME.. but I promised to post them on my blog.. HERE THEY ARE =] 

This is EXACTLY the face I make when I receive ridiculous messages, get calls from people I don't want to talk to and yes... this face is what I'm suppressing daily when people do and say things I just can't understand. 

Response #1: This sexy chick asked me if I wanted to *... I looked at her like she was dumb and said yea
Response #2: How many nuggets come in a 5 piece?
Response #3: This mixed guy was trying 2 talk to me and said I was the first other MIXED person that he his whole life.. he was 22. 
Response #4: ‎"Dont cut off my credit card when you see usage in Slovakia"
"Wow, how'd you choose Slovakia, most kids just go to Europe"
Response #5: What time does Walmart close?
Resonse #6: Christians have never been as violent as muslims

Now remember that these were some of the things that people sent me on Facebook and Twitter! If you think these could NEVER compare to the dumb things people have said to you.. let me know.. I want to keep posting these INTERESTING comments =] 

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