Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Crime and Punishment: My Natural Hair Journey!

Natural hair.. photo UPDATE!! 

So I've reached the point in my natural journey where I'm sure I want to do this... It would be a waste of 3 months of my life if I turned back now.. but I have NO PATIENCE. I don't hate not having straight hair, I don't really mind having to braid my hair up EVERY NIGHT, but I do just want to KNOW how my natural hair is going to grow. Right now I have about an inch and a half two inches of new growth and it's looking pretty curly.. actually that's an understatement. My hair is SUPER curly lol Like it's a pretty legit assumption that it will be frotastic.. which is awesome.. but how long do I have to wait?!

Hey, my name is Kayla Hardimon.. I have NO patience. If you have ever met me you know this.. so I need something.. maybe a new hairstyle some motivation.. something. This stage is oh so frustrating. I guess if I want the reward I have to put in the time.. I just don't feel like I've done a crime.. so why do I have to do sooo much time?! That's a legitimate question correct? haha Well that's just how I'm feeling right now!

All my natural sisters out there... HELP! I know you have some words of wisdom, encouragement a slap in the face.. some truth.. SOMETHING!

Ok, thanks for listening, reading...maybe laughing =]

Don't hold back on the comments!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should try a bantu-knot out, its classy, sexy and fun! Its a curl with no heat! Happy growing :)
