Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation." ~ Maya Angelou 
If I ever need a reminder of the beauty, blessings and joys of life I take a look at my photos from my mission ship in Kingston, Jamaica. These little girls showed me so much love and passion for the little pieces of life that I often over look they found so much happiness in. They truly changed my life. 

While I am an avid supporter of self-confidence, pride and the realization of ones own beauty; I also know the importance of realizing the immense beauty in others and the greatness of everything around us. A lot of my posts have been about how to better yourself, how to make yourself feel better and while those things are fabulous there is a time and a place for them. Self improvement should be never ending, and growth should as I said before begin in birth and end only in death... but a LARGE part of growth comes from recognizing the growth in others and in the world around us. 

These ladies had so much life, so much spirit, and love inside of them. Throughout my mission trip I woke up everyday just excited and ready to spend time with them to help them learn more about Christ and in the end to learn from them. Their acceptance and gratitude for the little things I did and even simply my presence in their community is something I will never forget. 

Each and every one of us is beautiful, wonderful intelligent and made for a purpose. Take the time to learn what your purpose is...explore the different options the world has to offer for you... and then in the midst of all of that searching.. realize the gifts and purpose of those around you. You may be surprised to finally see how great this wonderful world the Lord created actually is! 

My two cents for the day =] 


  1. Awwwww this was so sweet and so true. Keep up the blogging doll. It seems to be working for you!!!! Who know's I may start a blog of my own....???

  2. You should definitely start one!! I think I want to start an ABCD blog and attach it to this one.. !!
