Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ode to Bentley.. He's too Fly =]

Colby Bentley is the 1ST person to tweet/RT about my blog so since he's pretty awesome and asked for a post about him.. He shall receive it!

Bentley is my cousin Jerry's friend.. and from what I've seen he is a great person to have on your side. I know that Jerry is in good hands having Colby as a buddy, they look out for each other and even in the short time I've known him he's looked out for me as well. It may seem silly but a girl notices who the first person to check on her after a crazy/depressed/panicking tweet is and my good old friend @Bentley2Flyy is one of those people!

I think this picture speaks for itself! He's awesome =] 

Bentley seems to think he can dance better than me or something.. but he's unaware of my talents =] I suppose we shall see in the future!

Colby I hope you are happy about your post!

I'm looking for more people to post about and more topics to write about.. so if you are in the business of being nice or the business of being talked about HIT ME UP!

Much love <3

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