Monday, August 22, 2011

Kim Kardashian.. It Just Isn't Fair!

So let me just start by saying Kim Kardashian's wedding was BEAUTIFUL! Let me finish by saying I hate her...Ok I really don't, but please let me embrace my hater moment for about 5 seconds... I'm done. 
Get this though... not only did she have an amazing wedding with a guest list to die for and a more than one gorgeous designer dress to change into throughout the night but this lady MADE MONEY off of her ceremony. I'm not talking one or two million.. She's making 17.9 MILLION dollars off of her wedding! WHAT?! Yep, not kidding. From the sponsors, to the people who gave her their items to get publicity, to the commercials that will run during all of the wedding features.. IT'S RAINING MONEY from Kim and Kris. 
I was jealous when I saw the dresses she had to choose from (since designers were bending over backwards to get her to wear their dresses), then I was jealous when I saw the wedding photos and the guest list... and yes I know jealousy is a sin that I should not lust after what others have... but 17.9 MILLION, I can't even suppress this feeling! What does a girl have to do? 

Check out these dresses that Kim had to choose from. There are more.. but looking at all of these was all I could handle. My TLC lovers I know you'll appreciate these! For more check out !! 

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