Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can I Make You Smile Today?- Quote of the Day!!

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

As the school year gets closer and closer I'm really looking forward to all of the great things I know my junior year has to offer. I can't wait to get back to laughing with my girls, and going out and having a good time on campus! 

I know so many other beautiful things are coming as well. One thing I'm really looking forward to is being a Peer Advisor. If you have been keeping up with my blog from the beginning you know that the reason I want to be Miss Black Ohio USA is because I want to find ways to speak with young people (especially young girls) in order to help them build strong goals, strong self-esteem and to truly understand the bright futures they have ahead of them. 

I truly believe that being a PA is the first step on my journey. I know this year in the LINKS program will not be easy but I can't wait to see what great things will come through the struggle. I dream of success every night for those I mentor. I have high hopes for my LINKEES and I haven't even met them yet! 

What Emerson says about the one way to truly succeed in life is exactly what I believe. When I look back on my life I want to see a lot of smiles. Whether the smiles are mine, my peers, my elders or those who look up to me I want to have brought smiles to as many faces as possible. I'm praying that these smiles come with laughter and respect and the knowledge that I have truly helped someone along the way. 

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