Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lessons, Trials and Oh yes the Tribulations!

From the beginning, this summer was pegged as one to remember. In all honesty when I started my blog I wasn't positive if there would truly be a lot that happened this summer that was memorable. But I was hoping that there would be, and low and behold there was! Apart from the actions and adventures that this summer held I can simply express what I learned from myself. Yes, I was consciously trying to teach myself lessons. Everytime I posted a quote of the day with thoughts and questions to my readers, I asked myself the same exact questions. Through this process I trully believe that I have grown as a woman this summer. Next to the lessons that my blog has been teaching me my everyday, life has been teaching me lessons of its' own.

From my trip to Atlanta with my cousins, to my experiences in the radio station, and even my interactions with my parents I have learned and grown a great deal this summer. By taking the time to truly step back and examine my life through writing in the blog I have gained even more from each day. Here are some lessons that I've learned.

1. Never lose sight of your goals, not even for a second.
The moment you stop thinking about your future is the moment you begin to make decisions that can in no way lead you to where you want to be. This summer I made a decision and partook in an activity that lead to serious reprecusions for me and my family. Although I am ashamed of what happened I would not take back the lessons I learned for anything.

2. Know how to pick-em!
What do I mean? Well along with the lesson of keeping your goals insight my run-in this summer taught me to pick who you spend your time with wisely. If I had been with any other group of people when trouble found me I may not have come out unscathed, because of the strong individual I was with (who knows who he is) I was saved.

3. Love yourself.
As many of you know I am going through the process of going natural known as transitioning. When I say loving myself and whatever you want to call this MESS growing from my scalp is important This summer I had to talk to myself constantly to remind myself how important loving who I am and what God has given me is.

4. Respect yourself.
Over the years I have been in many situations and been through a lot of tough times that could have been avoided if I had only respected myself enough to leave. Over the past two years I have been working very hard on keeping people out of my life who do not respect me enough to be in it. One thing I needed to think about more was how much I respect myself. How others choose to act or conduct themselves is not under my control, how I choose to react to their actions is the only thing that I have power over. Because of how much I have learned to respect and to love myself I can no longer allow anything or anyone to control how wonderful my life is.

5. I know what I want.
This summer my dreams and goals came into full focus. As I posted before I have some very big short term and long term goals and up until just recently I simply had ideas. I know that I have a purpose in this world and the things I have seen and struggles I've had and wittnessed were not in vain. Although my lifetime goal is to make a difference in the lives of more women then I can ever know, I am certain that along the way I will accomplish and see more great things than I could ever imagine.

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