Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Transition

As my summer has finally come to an end, these last few days before classes start shall be called "The Transition!" I haven't come up with a new name for my blog.. I suppose "A Summer to Remember" won't fit once it's winter time! I am DEFINITELY taking suggestions.

Today was my first day back on campus. If you've been keeping up, you're aware that I'm a peer advisor for incoming freshmen! Today was the first day of the program (training, set-up etc) and the students come tomorrow. I am very excited for this new chapter in my life and am praying for my "LINKEES" already. I know they will all be wonderful and beautiful in their own ways. I have 6 students- 3 boys and 3 girls. Although I was hoping for more, I'm pretty sure 6 will be enough to add a good chunk of commitment to my already busy schedule!

As the week continues I will be sure to fill you in on some interesting things that I am sure I will encounter and give some inside scoop on this new experience!

Until next time,

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