Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quote of the Day: Waiting on the World to Change

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. 
~Barack Obama 

There are so many directions this post could take! In all honesty I had to delete a lot of it in order to not overload you with my opinion =D I will say that I care DEEPLY about politics, I'm no expert but I truly love my country and stand behind our President. 

One thing I hate more than anything is the lack of young people who stand up and speak out about their government. I saw SO MANY tweets about Casey Anthony being released and my timeline goes INSANE when an awards show is on.. but during the debt ceiling debates or ANY of the battles congress has had in the past few years, I barely saw anything.. when it comes to peoples' ideas on government most people keep it all to themselves. 

You don't have to be an expert on politics to have an opinion, and believe it or not your elected officials HAVE TO CARE about what you have to say- you pay their salaries, and if you vote-you give them a job...or take it away. When Barack Obama was elected it was because for the first time in YEARS young people stood up and said they cared about their country. Rather than sitting at home during election season people got up and got out, they wrote letters, knocked on doors and made it clear that a change was needed.  

Now that Obama is in office those same people are sitting back, waiting for him to do something. The President- whom ever he may be- can do nothing without the people. My question to you is.. what can we do to help make our country a better place..and a thriving society that will live on? 

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