Friday, August 5, 2011

Goals Are Dreams With Deadlines

You can have anything you want if you want it desperately enough.  You must want it with an exuberance that erupts through the skin and joins the energy that created the world.  ~Sheila Graham

This is how I feel right now. Today I was simply thinking.. what do I want? That's a question that people tend to ask me a lot.. "what do you want to do with journalism," "what do you want to get from your internship.. from these pageants," "what do you want in life." "what are your goals?" I don't always know the answers, but I can tell you what I want. The things that I want are no longer desires to me, they are needs. 

Here are my goals... for the next 5 years... you can be sure I add on to this list EVERY SINGLE DAY. So I can't list everything, but here are my top 5 goals. 

1. Work for a politician 
2. Become Miss Black Ohio
3. Work with young women and increase awareness of the importance of strong female role models
4. Graduate with a 3.75
5. Get accepted to a top 10 law school

Some of these goals may seem like a stretch, but I believe that I can and WILL do whatever I put my mind to. Everything doesn't happen at the first attempt or even the second, but hard work and dedication facilitate the dream, and I REFUSE to give up. 

You don't make goals that you think are within your reach, every single goal should be past what you think is possible.. because what we can do alone is not enough... the crazy and wonderful thing is.. we're not alone. 

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