Monday, August 8, 2011

From Breakdown to Breakthrough

"Breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so things can fall together." ~Unknown 

As an avid mental "breakdowner" I can vouch for the quote fully! Incase you were unaware I tend to panic, stress, cry, freak out, and have atleast one mental breakdown every single quarter. This adds up to about 3 breaks a year and possibly another depending on my circumstances. In the past two years I have had a few... issues and heartbreaks that have lead to an addition 2-3 break downs in a short period of time. At times I felt weak for these breaks and silly for letting myself come to tears over things that in retrospect were not THAT BIG OF A DEAL.. but I know that these little meltdowns were for the better. 

I can honestly say that I have never come out of a panic without an answer without a solution or a change of heart. This is probably because in the heat of the moment I not only experience these breakdowns with the tears the crying the panicking and the whole nine.. but I also take these times to turn to my heavenly father. It's become very clear to me over the years that I CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT deal with my problems alone. In the good times and in the bad I always have a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold, and a light guiding me in the right direction. 

Don't be discouraged by your tears, a break down will lead to something glorious if you let it. The reason sadness and panic comes is because you are realizing that you want something better that what you are experiencing is not and should not be enough. The things we lose simply make way for the things we're going to gain. Look at your life now.. how many of the things you have today would be impossible if you would have never let go of something else.. or if something or someone had never let go of you? 

Food for thought =] 

Thanks for reading, 

Kayla Chanelle 

1 comment:

  1. all of this is true im here if you ever need someone to talk to but im glad these instances of heartbreak and stress have molded you into a better woman :)
