Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wet seal Customer to the Rescue!

I work at the store Wet seal. I've been a seasonal employee there for about two years now and I've definitely met a lot of different customers who have surely said a lot of memorable things to me...good and bad.. But yesterday one set of customers, a woman and her daughter, truly made my day.

One of my biggest passions in life is for dance. Performing has always given me a rush and a joy that I can't begin to describe. Although performing was always a wonderful experience in itself one thing that I always hoped for was that what I did would truly make a difference and leave a mark on someone's heart. Yesterday, this dream was affirmed. Over the years I have received compliments for performances or been recognized for dancing but never in such a genuine and meaningful such a perfect time.

The past couple of weeks at my store have been a little hectic with management changes and the joys of back to school shopping and yesterday was just one of those days! That is until these two wonderful ladies came to the register! I was doing my artful duties of de-censoring, ringing, bagging etc when the woman interrupted me and asked me if I danced. I smiled and said yes, she then asked if I did so at the Dance Company.. also a yes. I had a feeling her daughter was a student at the studio..also a yes.

Now you may be wondering where the part that made my day comes in... here it is. The woman then began to describe how much of an inspiration I had been to her daughter and other dancers in the studio, saying that she remembered how I could "light up a stage." She said that I had a presence and a talent that she couldn't forget. Making it clear how important it was that she remembered me. The rest of what she said was equally wonderful and when I say I was close to tears I am in no way exaggerating.

Dance is something that I have had to stop doing as much as I want to because of my goals for the future, but to know that although i've had to give it up.. it wasn't all for nothing.. is such a blessing. Dance brought and still brings me so much joy to watch and to do and knowing that that joy is something I was able to give to someone else is something I will always be able to have.

The interaction in Wet seal may seem small, but it was an affirmation of how much the little things can be big things. Don't ever stop yourself from speaking to someone, from telling them what they have meant to you..big or small, smile when you can, share what you know and never underestimate the power of just a few kind words.



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