Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quote of the Day!

The Importance of a good old smile =] 

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. ~Joseph Addison 

Never underestimate what a simple smile can do for someone's day. The crazy thing about life is that while we're going through our days.. good or bad.. there are billions of other people going through their own days. Imagine all of the things that happen to you in a day.. now imagine how many others things happen to the other billions of people. With all of the craziness going on around us we can't afford not to share a simple smile. The truth is we won't have the time in our lives to change the life of every person we meet with our words... but a smile to everyone you meet can do wonders.. change lives in ways you may not even know. 

This doesn't mean that a kind word shouldn't be shared when you have the opportunity, but just remember... one thing you always have the time for is a smile =D 

Here's one.. from me and my girls in Jamaica.. to you =] 


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