Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trouble: The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

This weekend I saw how quickly your life can change, how one decision can change everything and how easy it is to fall into a situation that you NEVER thought you could be in. This weekend was supposed to be a fun family vacation, an annual cousins get together that could go on for years to come. Rather than valuing that experience, my cousins and I engaged in other activities and experienced something that we can never and will never forget.

The situation is not something that I will explain in detail in this blog, but I will say that the phrase it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.. is so true! Everything seems simple and innocent until you get caught up. As the oldest of my cousins on the trip I feel 100% responsible for the situation we are now in and understand that although things could have been A LOT worse.. they were bad enough to teach us all something very important. What happens is important.. but the most important thing is what you do next.. what I will do next... how you learn and grow and build upon every obstacle.

In my last post I talked about the importance of the little things such as a kind word or a smile. In this case the little things are what stand in between you and trouble, the wisdom and intelligence that we often suppress in the name of having a good time. But it's the little things that save us, the smiles from others that keep us going throughout the day, the kind words that motivate us and the simple thoughts before our actions that keep us from getting into situations that we can't erase and experiencing things you never thought could actually happen to you.

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