Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Quote of the day!

Starting a new thing called (if you hadn't guessed) QUOTE OF THE DAY! 

Excited? Yes. Of course! 

Today's quote comes from a simple realization that despite all of the crazy silly things that happen in life and the things I've wanted and not received, the silver lining is pretty clear.

This is why.... 

If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want.  ~Oscar Wilde

Basically there are always going to be things we can't have. But what if for everything you wanted and got you ALWAYS got something that you didn't want? That would take away a lot of the joy in life. So be thankful for all of the things you do have. Whether there are a lot, or just a few. Because everyday is a blessing and if you're reading this... thank God... because he's blessed you with another day... and you got to read this! Something I'm sure you wanted =] 

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