Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My sister in Christ, and My Inspiration.

                                            This is a photo of my girls Jalissa and Cassidy!!

As my first follower and as someone who commented on my blog, this post is dedicated to this fantastic girl! Who?? Jojo =D

Jalissa is a a wonderful woman! She was my roomie in Jamaica last summer during our mission trip. Her and I became super close in such a short period of time and I am truly blessed to have met her. Jojo is such a strong woman of christ with a passion for the Lord that I admire so much. In the week that we stayed together in Jamaica she taught me a lot about committing to the Lord in all areas of my life and made me see that a Christ driven life is a beautiful thing. I truly love this girl with all of my heart. She is fabuloussss!
Love you sis! <3

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