Thursday, July 21, 2011


"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

In today's world the media strikes us everyday with thousands of images that portray how "we should act" or how "we should dress" and the words "we should use." To be able to wake up every morning and shake off those images and those ideas and live your life as who you truly are is an accomplishment. 

Yes, it's OK to get fashion ideas from others or to learn a catchy phrase or saying from a TV show or movie, but don't let what others do depict what you do. Think about who you would be if you had never seen TV, never opened up a magazine... do you think you would be better or worse for it? 

I'm sure there are some things about you that are better because of what you have learned from others but I'm also sure that who you are on your own is the best version of you that you can be. 

Take the chance to look at who you are, what things about you came from you and what things came from the media or those around you? Like I said before there's nothing wrong with learning from your surroundings... God put you on this earth to experience, to see, to hear, to learn, and to grow.. Just make sure that while you're doing all of that growing.. You stay true to the one and only.. and that's YOU =] 

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