Thursday, June 30, 2011

My hair journey!

This summer is a major turning point in my life which means a few things for me.. and be super excited because I'm going to share them with YOU!! Yes I know you're jumping out of your chairs to read what comes next....

Well this summer is the beginning of two journeys.

First: My hair journey. Yes, I Kayla Hardimon have begun the transition.. the epic journey... of going from having relaxed hair   v v v v v v v v  v v v  v v  v

..... to embracing my natural hair. Now why might I be doing this?? To be honest, my answer is WHY NOT? I've been rocking the relaxed straight hair for about 7 years now and I think it's time for a change. Why do what you know..when there are so many other awesome things that can be done? So for all of you who are worried (which you shouldn't be seeing as it's my hair ) I will go ahead and let you know that I won't be CUTTING off all my hair.. FEW! I know you were getting super scared! But I am now 3 months natural... 3 months down... years to go right?! I am very excited to get back to my natural hair. In case you were wondering, I didn't get my first relaxer until 7th grade so I have pretty good idea of what my hair will look like! I guess we'll all have to wait and see though =]

For now this is my summer hair style! Let me know what you think. I'll keep posting new photos.. and maybe a video as I find new styles =D

The second important part of this summer will be in my next post... sooo stay tuned!

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